Energy Broking 

We can arrange electricity and gas contracts for your business from our panel of around 20 UK energy suppliers, and are always guided by the client re contract length, or any particular supplier they might not wish to deal with.

Managing Agents - Block Management

The business owner is well aware of the special requirements of managing agents of residential blocks.

One year contract - (Section 20 consultation requirement)

Separate contract for every supply in the name of the site company

Every supply on a separate bill to facilitate accurate cost allocation (We understand that the residents of block B do not want to pay for electricity used for lights, lifts and corridor heating in block A)

For any organisation, it is important to keep on top of costs, and one simple way to do this is to ensure that electricity and gas supplies are in contract rather than on standard variable rate. As a broker we take the hard work out of shopping around and keeping tabs on contract end dates ensuring your supplies are always on favourable terms.

Special rates for registered charities and community interest companies.

Note :- All brokers earn their money from commission paid by energy suppliers. As a responsible and caring business we have decided that for charities and CICs, we will offer reduced rates by accepting a much reduced commission on such accounts.

Energy Efficiency

We offer help with planning and implementing energy efficiency measures - LED lights, Heat Pumps, Air Conditioning, Heating and Lighting Controls etc.

The business owner holds an MSc in Renewable Energy Systems, has years of experience in LED lighting and a detailed knowledge of a number of energy efficiency options. 

We are very keen that customers of Chiltern Utility Solutions are helped to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Usually savings can be made with a very reasonable payback period - often also improving reliability and cutting maintenance in the process.

Solar Power

We can carry out an initial feasibility study to look at whether a solar arrays is feasible for your site, and where this is the case put you in touch with reputable commercial solar installers who will follow up on the initial study. This study can usually be done remotely, however for local customers a site visit can be arranged. 

Water efficiency - Propelair toilets - the most hygienic toilet on the market using only 1.5 litres per flush.


Thames Water installed these toilets in their HQ and call center - cutting total building water consumption by 50% and over 60% respectively.

As well as efficient WCs we can help with efficient washroom taps, (with built in mini shower head inserts) waterless or low water urinals, and rainwater harvesting for non-potable applications.

Efficiency services are carried out in conjunction with partner companies, and can usually be delivered at zero or negative net cost paid for out of savings in energy and or water consumption enabling our clients to significantly improve their sustainability without increasing their overall outgoings.

Solar arrays will generally be available on a power purchase agreement with their electricity available to use at less than the cost of mains power.

Note :- In some locations, grants are available to SMEs towards the cost of the above measures. Where we are aware of such, we will advise customers looking to carry out such measures.

There is no direct charge to the client for any of our services - instead we receive a fee from our partner companies where their services are obtained through out introduction.

Coming Soon

We are working to make arrangements to offer fixed line, mobile, and broadband services at favourable rates to our clients.